In the watch and jewellery sector, Valérie Fromont works to define a brand territory and strategically position the external communications of the companies with which she has worked on a long-term basis, by writing press releases. These relationships of trust are made possible by her vast editorial experience, and her perfect mastery of the identity and specific codes of the various luxury brands on the international luxury scene. She pays particular attention to the craftsmanship of her texts, in keeping with the values and standards of the brands she works with. Here is just a small selection of the 200 or so press releases she has written for leading names in luxury watchmaking and jewellery companies.
Baume & Mercier
Valérie Fromont is the author of the texts in those press kits, but is not involved in the pictures nor the layout.
Journalist, editorial and creative director specialising in the luxury industry and culture, Valérie Fromont nurtures a holistic approach to communication.