Trained in the daily press and magazines, notably at Le Temps, Valérie Fromont specialises in society, culture, and lifestyle. Her work covers a wide range of subjects and editorial genres. From social movements to consumer trends, from investigative reports to major interviews and columns, her multifaceted approach captures, transcribes and chisels the trends and forms that inform the spirit of our times. In the special issues of Le Temps and in the magazine L’Officiel, she puts the metamorphoses of fashion, design, architecture, watchmaking, and jewellery into perspective with the movements of society, adopting a sensitive, sociocultural approach to these subjects. For her, dance and literature remain as much a source of inspiration as the subjects she regularly embraces. She has also been responsible for several Architecture & Design special issues of the newspaper Le Temps. In this section, you’ll find a few examples of the many articles she has produced for various publications, including those for the Grand Théâtre de Genève.
Enlevez vos coudes de la table, dépoussiérez votre service à thé et volez le sac Constance de votre grand-mère: cet hiver, la bourgeoise fait son grand retour.
Chirac, c’est bien sûr une attitude, une énergie. Sa bonhomie de gangster, le sourire flamboyant, l’oeil roublard. Enthousiaste, caractériel, paternaliste, potache, confiant, bourrin, peinard.
L’ambassadeur inégalé de l’imperfection
à la française.
Ne pas épuiser le mystère, laisser penser que le royaume est infini. Dissimuler à mesure
que l’on dévoile.
Les années à venir verront se développer un mouvement quasi romantique de retour aux valeurs de la terre. Nos modes de vie, de production, de consommation, notre façon de nous nourrir vont être imprégnés par cette nouvelle symbiose entre la biologie et la technologie.
Journalist, editorial and creative director specialising in the luxury industry and culture, Valérie Fromont nurtures a holistic approach to communication.